He puna Tarei
Thursday, November 2, 2017
My little baby brother
My mum is in hospital because she had a new baby. I have seen a photo of him. His name Cruze. He looks so cute and cuddly. I love him so much. But he is still in hospital because he needs to grow up more.I really miss mum so much.
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Holidays! I’m coming for you.
Off to my cousin’s house.
Life at my cousin’s house
In the holidays I’m going to my cousin's place.
Dad is so kind to me.
At my cousin's house I’m going to have lots of fun
Yay its nearly the holidays.
Some people are nice.
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Cross country
When the bell went we go changed for cross country. We went to the field and my class went on the field. When the girls were running I heard my dad cheering for me. I was so puffed and tired. There were lots of girls in front of me.It was really hard.
planting trees
When my class went by the drop off bay we planted some little trees. I found some very fat worms. We hope people will look after the trees.

Thursday, August 31, 2017
Duffy theatre
The Duffy theatre
After morning tea my class lined up and we went into the hall. We heard lots of people sing ‘how far I go’ from Moana. The Duffy theatre was so funny. It was funny because that man was shaking fast. When the girl that had the blond and brown hair took the man behind the gray wall they were getting ready in their next costume.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Shrek's eyebrows looked like a fat caterpillar crawling on his forehead. His fingers look like big fat sausages. His oval head looks like a juicy mango. His big fat mouth looked like a juicy watermelon. He is very green.
Thursday, August 3, 2017
Thursday, June 15, 2017
This week I enjoyed going to the Sarjeant Art Gallery
I liked it because we got to make a sun a moon or a star out of clay and I made a sun.
One of my challenging this week was jump jam because it was hard.
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Weekly Reflection 31/3
Something I enjoyed this week was when we got our Duffy books in a big box. Something I found challenging this week was the hamburger plan we had to fill in for writing.
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Weekly Reflection 24/3
Something this week I enjoyed was completing our picasso faces we were colouring in. I used purple and yellow.
Something I found challenging this week was maths. I could not do it.
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Weekly Reflection 3/3
Something I enjoyed this week was readingeggs because I liked doing the activities on there.
Something I found challenging this week was tennis because I couldn’t hit the ball over the net properly.
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