He puna Tarei

He puna Tarei

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Keeping NZ clean!

In He Puna Kawenga we went to Fitzherbert Ave to pick up rubbish on the streets. We left school from the side gate. Some people didn't want to go but they had to anyway! Mrs Pedley and Miss Nation had a rubbish bag each so if we found some rubbish we could put it in there. We started walking and we found lots, I mean LOTS of rubbish! EWWW! We found bottle caps, cigarettes and other stuff. When we walked past a bush Lily found lots of rubbish, so about 5 people went into the bush and came out with even more. Then my glove broke and I could not get any more! I felt sad because there way to much rubbish on the ground! PLEASE DON´T LITTER!


  1. Hey Kayesschen
    Wow! That looks like you had so much fun picking up rubbish. Its realy bad for the earth with all of this rubbish just lying there. I think you were so proud of your self picking up rubbish from Fitzherbert Ave.

  2. Hi Kayesschen,
    Was it fun picking up rubbish? Sad that your glove broke! At least you contributed by picking up the rubbish! It was really disgusting.

  3. Hi Kayesschen
    I like how you are helping the environment. I think people should not litter and keep NZ clean. Did you have fun picking up rubbish?
